Jean Colombani



  1. Hydrodynamic instabilities and Soret effect in an aqueous electrolyte
    J. Colombani, H. Dez, J. Bert, and J. Dupuy-Philon, Phys. Rev. E, 58, 3202-08 (1998).
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  2. Etude par interférométrie holographique de la convection dans un mélange binaire confiné présentant un effet Soret
    J. Colombani, M.-J. Lebon, H. Dez, J. Bert, J. Dupuy-Philon et D. Henry, Entropie, 34, 214, 37-42 (1998).
  3. Thermal diffusion in (LiCl, RH20)
    J. Colombani, J. Bert, and J. Dupuy-Philon, J. Chem. Phys., 110, 8622-27 (1999).
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  4. Couplages convectifs et thermodiffusion dans les liquides ioniques
    J. Colombani et J. Bert, J. Chim. Phys. (Paris), 96, 1074-79 (1999).
  5. Holographic convection visualization during thermotransport studies - Application to microgravity experiments
    J. Colombani and J. Bert, Meas. Sci. Technol., 10, 886-892 (1999).
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  6. Convection thermohaline et effet Soret dans le chlorure de lithium aqueux concentré
    J. Colombani et J. Bert, Entropie, 35, 218, 35-38 (1999).
  7. Microgravity and earth thermal diffusion in liquids - holographic visualization of convection
    J. Colombani and J. Bert, AIP Conf. Proc., 504, 861 (2000).
  8. Crack patterns in drying protein solution drops
    C.C. Annarelli, J. Fornazero, J. Bert, and J. Colombani, Eur. Phys. J. E, 5, 599-603 (2001).
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  9. Gravité et transport de masse dans les mélanges liquides
    J. Colombani, B. Hervé et J. Bert, J. Phys. IV France, 11, Pr6 35-42 (2001).
  10. A molecular dynamics study of thermal diffusion in a porous medium
    J. Colombani, G. Galliéro, B. Duguay, J.-P. Caltagirone, F. Montel, and P.A. Bopp, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 4, 313-321 (2002).
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  11. Evaluation de la thermodiffusion en milieu poreux nanométrique intégré par dynamique moléculaire hors équilibre directe
    G. Galliéro, J. Colombani, B. Duguay, J.-P. Caltagirone et F. Montel, Entropie, 38, 239/240, 98-102 (2002).
  12. Molecular dynamics study of thermal diffusion in a binary mixture of alkanes trapped in a slit pore
    J. Colombani, G. Galliéro, B. Duguay, J.-P. Caltagirone, F. Montel, and P.A. Bopp, Phil. Mag., 83, 2087-95 (2003).
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  13. Early sedimentation and crossover kinetics in an off-critical phase-separating liquid mixture
    J. Colombani and J. Bert, Phys. Rev. E, 69, 011402 (2004).
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  14. Toward a complete description of nucleation and growth in liquid-liquid phase separation
    J. Colombani and J. Bert, J. Non-equil. Thermodyn., 29, 389 (2004).
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  15. Thermal diffusion in micropores by molecular dynamics computer simulations
    G. Galliéro, J. Colombani, Ph. Bopp, B. Duguay, J.-P. Caltagirone, and F. Montel, Physica A, 361, 494 (2006).
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  16. Holographic interferometry for the study of liquids
    J. Colombani and J. Bert, J. Molec. Liquids, 134, 8 (2007).
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  17. Holographic interferometry study of the dissolution and diffusion of gypsum in water
    J. Colombani and J. Bert, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 71, 1913 (2007).
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  18. Tracer diffusion in a soft glassy material
    L. petit, C. Barentin, J. Colombani, C. Ybert, J.L. Barrat, and L. Bocquet, AIP Conf. Proc., 1027, 734 (2008).
  19. Measurement of the pure dissolution rate constant of a mineral in water
    J. Colombani, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 72, 5634 (2008).
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    Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta : Top 25 Hottest Articles
  20. Size dependence of tracer diffusion in a laponite colloidal gel
    L. Petit, C. Barentin, J. Colombani, C. Ybert, and L. Bocquet, Langmuir, 25, 12048 (2009).
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  21. Probing the fluctuation-dissipation theorem in a Perrin-like experiment
    J. Colombani, L. Petit, C. Ybert, and C. Barentin, Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 130601 (2011).
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  22. Pressure solution at the molecular scale
    E.A. Pachon-Rodriguez, A. Piednoir, and J. Colombani, Phys. Rev. Lett., 107, 146102 (2011).
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  23. Pressure solution as origin of the humid creep of a mineral material
    E.A. Pachon-Rodriguez, E. Guillon, G. Houvenaghel, and J. Colombani, Phys. Rev. E, 84, 066121 (2011).
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  24. Mechanism of wet creep of plasterboards
    E.A. Pachon-Rodriguez and J. Colombani, ALIT inform, 1(23), 106 (2012).
  25. Pure dissolution kinetics of anhydrite and gypsum in inhibiting aqueous salt solutions
    E.A. Pachon-Rodriguez and J. Colombani, AIChE J., 59, 1622 (2013).
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  26. Dissolution measurement free from mass transport
    J. Colombani, Pure Appl. Chem., 85, 61 (2012).
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  27. Pitfalls in the measurement of the pure dissolution kinetics of soft minerals
    J. Colombani, Proc. Earth Planet. Sci., 7, 179 (2013).
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  28. Optimization of anti-creep admixtures for plasterboards
    J. Colombani and M. Bellotto, Mechanics and Physics of Creep, Shrinkage, and Durability of Concrete, CONCREEP 2013, 380 (2013).
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  29. Wet creep of hardened hydraulic cements - example of gypsum plaster and implication for hydrated Portland cement
    E.A. Pachon-Rodriguez, E. Guillon, G. Houvenaghel, and J. Colombani, Cement Concrete Res., 63, 67 (2014).
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  30. Influence of fine particles on the stability of a humid granular pile
    X. Huang, S. Bec and J. Colombani, Phys. Rev. E, 90, 052201 (2014).
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  31. Ambivalent role of fine particles on the stability of a humid granular pile in a rotating drum
    X. Huang, S. Bec and J. Colombani, Powder Technol., 279, 254 (2015).
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  32. Soluble substrate
    C. Pirat, J. Colombani and A. Mailleur in Droplet wetting and evaporation, edited by David Brutin, Elsevier, 2015.
  33. The alkaline dissolution rate of calcite
    J. Colombani, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 7, 2376 (2016)
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  34. Local study of the corrosion kinetics of hardened Portland cement under acid attack
    H. Gay, T. Meynet and J. Colombani, Cement Concrete Res., 90, 36 (2016).
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  35. Elasticity and yielding of calcite paste: scaling laws in a dense colloidal suspension
    T. Liberto, M. Le Merrer, C. Barentin, M. Bellotto and J. Colombani, Soft Matter, 13, 2014 (2017).
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  36. Gypsum Dissolution Rate from Atomic Step Kinetics
    B. Zareeipolgardani, A. Piednoir and J. Colombani, J. Phys. Chem. C, 121, 9325 (2017).
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  37. Comment on “Repulsion between calcite crystals and grain detachment during water-rock interaction” by Levenson and Emmanuel, 2017
    M. Le Merrer and J. Colombani, Geochem. Persp. Let., 6, 1 (2017).

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  38. Hollow rims from water drop evaporation on salt substrates
    A. Mailleur, C. Pirat, O. Pierre-Louis and J. Colombani, Phys. Rev. Lett., 121, 214501 (2018).
    In cover of Physical Review Letters
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  39. Simple ions control the elasticity of calcite gels via interparticle forces
    T. Liberto, C. Barentin, J. Colombani, A. Costa, D. Gardini, M. Bellotto and M. Le Merrer
    J. Colloid Interf. Sci., 553, 280 (2019).
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  40. Tuning Biotic and Abiotic Calcite Growth by Stress
    B. Zareeipolgardani, A. Piednoir and J. Colombani, Crystal Growth Des., 19, 5923 (2019).
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  41. Rhéologie de la pâte de calcite : une suspension minérale modèle
    M. Le Merrer, T. Liberto, J. Colombani, C. Barentin et S. Manneville, L'actualité chimique, 465, 29 (2021).
  42. Ring shells obtained from pure water drops evaporating on a soluble substrate
    A. Mailleur, C. Pirat, G. Simon, R. Fulcrand, and J. Colombani, Colloids Surf. A, 651, 129724 (2022).
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  43. Flow reversal inside a drop evaporating on a soluble substrate
    A. Mailleur, J. Colombani, C. Pirat, C. Rivière and I. Vodolazskaya, Phys. Rev. Fluids, 7, 093605 (2022).
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  44. Multiscale investigation of the fate of silver during printed paper electronics recycling
    B. Zareeipolgardani , A. Piednoir, B. Joyard-Pitiot, G. Depres, L. Charlet and J. Colombani, Composite Interf., 30, 671 (2023).

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  45. Dissolution-precipitation kinetics during C3S hydration: a holographic interferometry study
    L. Mascarin, L. Valentini, G. Artioli, M.C. Dalconi and J. Colombani, Cement Concrete Res., 173, 107252 (2023).
  46. Experimental and numerical study of the evaporation of a pure water drop on a salt surface
    A. Mailleur, C. Pirat, C. Rivière, I. Vodolazskaya and J. Colombani
    Eur. Phys. J. Special Topics, 233, 1551 (2024).